626 2017-07-28 Släggö, Hamnen, Lysekil
625 2017-07-28 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,Lysekil
624 2017-07-26 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,Lysekil
623 2017-07-25 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,Lysekil
622 2017-07-23 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,Lysekil
621 2017-07-22 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,Lysekil
620 2017-07-20 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,Lysekil
619 2017-07-19 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,
618 2016-07-21 Släggö Lysekil
617 2016-01-10 Kuda Giri Wreck, S.Male , Maldiverna
616 2016-01-09 Vivivarn Giri , S.Male, Maldiverna
615 2016-01-09 Kandooma Thila, S.Male, Maldiverna
614 2016-01-09 Miyaru Kandu, Felide ( Vannvu), Maldiverna
613 2016-01-08 Alima tha Reef, Feliche (Vannvu) , Maldiverna
612 2016-01-08 Miyaru Kanolu, Felidse (Vaavu), Maldiverna
611 2016-01-08 Kuda Rah Thila, S.Ari , Maldiverna
610 2016-01-07 Kahanbu Thila, S.Ari , Maldiverna
609 2016-01-07 Maamigili Beyru, S.Ari , Maldiverna
608 2016-01-07 MV Kuhima Wreck, S.ARi , Maldiverna
607 2016-01-06 Dingaa, S.Ari , Maldiverna
606 2016-01-06 Moofushi Rock, N.Ari , Maldiverna
605 2016-01-06 Moofushi Rock, N.Ari , Maldiverna
604 2016-01-05 Fesdhoo Lagoon, N.Ari , Maldiverna
603 2016-01-05 Fesdhoo Wreck, N.Ari , Maldiverna
602 2016-01-05 Fish head, N.Ari , Mldiverna
601 2016-01-05 Vaadhoo Caves,N.Male , Maldiverna
600 2016-01-04 Kurunda House reef, N Male, Maldiverna
599 2015-07-17 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,
598 2015-07-16 Skår, Gullmarsfjorden,
597 2015-07-15 Hällebäck, Gullmarsfjorden, Lysekil
596 2015-07-10 Hällebäck, Gullmarsfjorden, Lysekil
595 2015-03-17 Cenote Dos Pisos Sur. Tulum, Mexiko
594 2015-03-17 Cenote Dos Pisos Sur. Tulum, Mexiko
593 2015-03-15 Cenote The Pit. Riviera Maya, Mexiko
592 2015-03-15 Cenote The Pit. Riviera Maya, Mexiko
591 2015-03-13 Vaca Ha. Tulum, Mexiko
590 2015-03-13 Kim Ha. Tulum, Mexiko
589 2015-03-11 Cenote Minotauro. Akumal, Mexiko
588 2015-03-11 Cenote Minotauro. Akumal, Mexiko
587 2015-03-07 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
586 2015-03-07 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
585 2015-03-07 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
584 2014-07-23 Hällebäck, Gullmarsfjorden
583 2014-07-22 Hällebäck, Gullmarsfjorden
582 2014-07-17 Capri Strömstad
581 2011-06-17 Buddys reef, Bonaire
580 2011-06-16 Aquarius,Bonaire
579 2011-06-16 Sweet dreams, Bonaire
578 2011-06-15 Buddys reef, Bonaire
577 2011-06-15 Buddys reef, Bonaire
576 2011-06-14 Hilma Hooker, Bonaire
575 2011-06-14 Salt City
574 2011-06-13 Buddys reef, Bonaire
573 2011-06-13 Buddys reef, Bonaire
572 2011-06-12 Alice in wonderland
571 2011-06-12 Red Slave, Bonaire
570 2011-06-11 Buddys reef, Bonaire
569 2011-06-11 Buddys reef, Bonaire
568 2011-06-10 1000 steps, Bonaire.
567 2011-06-10 Jeff Davis Memorial, Bonaire
566 2011-06-09 Buddys reef, Bonaire
565 2011-06-09 Buddys reef, Bonaire
564 2011-06-08 Buddys reef, Bonaire
563 2011-06-08 Cai, Lac Bay, Bonaire
562 2011-06-08 Cai, Lac Bay, Bonaire
561 2011-06-07 Buddys reef, Bonaire
560 2011-06-07 Buddys reef, Bonaire
559 2011-06-06 Angel City, Bonaire
558 2011-06-06 Willemstoren Lighthouse, Bonaire
557 2011-06-05 Buddys reef, Bonaire
556 2011-06-05 Hilma Hooker, Bonaire
555 2011-06-05 Buddys reef, Bonaire
554 2011-06-04 Buddys reef, Bonaire
553 2011-06-04 Buddys reef, Bonaire
552 2011-06-04 Buddys reef, Bonaire
551 2010-07-03 Solberga, Nässjö
550 2010-07-02 Solberga, Nässjö
549 2010-07-02 Solberga, Nässjö
548 2010-07-01 Spexhultasjön, Nässjö
547 2009-12-09 Cenote, Gran Cenote, Tulum, Mexico
546 2009-12-09 Cenote, Gran Cenote, Tulum, Mexico
545 2009-12-08 Cenote Jailhouse, Tulum, Mexico
544 2009-12-08 Cenote Jailhouse, Tulum, Mexico
543 2009-12-07 Cenote Chan-Hol, Tulum, Mexico
542 2009-12-07 Cenote Chan-Hol, Tulum, Mexico
541 2009-12-06 Cenote Maya Blue, Tulum, Mexico
540 2009-12-05 Cenote Chac Mool, Riviera Maya, Mexico
539 2009-12-05 Cenote Chac Mool, Riviera Maya, Mexico
538 2009-12-04 Cenote Maya Blue, Tulum, Mexico
537 2009-12-04 Cenote Maya Blue, Tulum, Mexico
536 2009-12-03 Cenote Taj Mahal, Tulum, Mexico
535 2009-12-03 Cenote Taj Mahal, Tulum, Mexico
534 2009-12-03 Cenote Taj Mahal, Tulum, Mexico
533 2009-12-02 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
532 2009-12-02 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
531 2009-12-02 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
530 2009-12-02 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
529 2009-12-01 Cenote Ponderosa.Tulum, Mexico
528 2009-12-01 Cenote Ponderosa.Tulum, Mexico
527 2009-12-01 Cenote Ponderosa.Tulum, Mexico
526 2009-11-30 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
525 2009-11-30 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
524 2009-11-30 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
523 2009-11-30 Cenote Car Wash. Tulum, Mexico
522 2009-10-10 Solberga, Nässjö
521 2009-10-10 Solberga, Nässjö
520 2009-08-15 I närheten av "Tage Sylvan"
519 2009-08-15 "Nedjan", Gävle
518 2009-08-04 Säljemar, Gävle
517 2009-05-06 Manuelita north, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
516 2009-05-06 Big Dos Amigos. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
515 2009-05-05 Dirty Rock. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
514 2009-05-05 Chatham Bay. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
513 2009-05-05 Silverado, Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
512 2009-05-05 Alcyone, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
511 2009-05-05 Alcyone, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
510 2009-05-04 Manuelita Channel. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
509 2009-05-04 Manuelita north, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
508 2009-05-04 Submerged Rock, Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
507 2009-05-04 Lone Stone, Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
506 2009-05-03 Manuelita east, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
505 2009-05-03 Manuelita Channel. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
504 2009-05-03 Small Dos Amigos, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
503 2009-05-03 Out in the big blue :), Cococs Islands, Costa Rica
502 2009-05-02 Isla Pejora. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
501 2009-05-02 Alcyone, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
500 2009-05-02 Alcyone, Cocos Island, Costa Rica
499 2009-05-01 Chatham Bay. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
498 2009-05-01 Viking rock, Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
497 2009-05-01 Dirty Rock, Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
496 2009-05-01 Punta Maria, Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
495 2009-04-30 Chatham Bay. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
494 2008-04-30 Manuelita west. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
493 2009-04-30 Manuelita west. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
492 2009-04-30 Chatham Bay. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
491 2008-08-02 "El Minya". Hurghada, Egypten
490 2008-08-02 Shaab Sabina. Giftun Island, Egypten.
489 2008-08-01 Shaab Torfa. Giftun Island, Egypten.
488 2008-08-01 Shaab Torfa. Giftun Island, Egypten.
487 2008-08-01 Poseidons Garden, Egypten
486 2008-08-01 Bluff Point. Gubal Island, Egypten
485 2008-07-31 "The Barge". Gubal Island, Egypten
484 2008-07-31 "Kingston". Shag Rock, Egypten
483 2008-07-31 "Thistlegorm". Shaab Ali, Egypten
482 2008-07-30 "Thistlegorm". Shaab Ali, Egypten
481 2008-07-30 "Dunraven". Beacon Rock, Egypten
480 2008-07-30 Shark Reef. Ras Mohammed, Egypten
479 2008-07-29 The Alternatives. Shab Mahmud, Egypten
478 2008-07-29 The Alternatives. Shab Mahmud, Egypten
477 2008-07-29 "Carnatic". Abu Nuhas, Egypten
476 2008-07-29 "Ghiannis D". Abu Nuhas, Egypten
475 2008-07-28 El Gilwa. Hurghada, Egypten
474 2008-07-28 Gota Shaab el Erg. Hurghada, Egypten
473 2008-01-01 White Rock, St john´s reef, Egypten
472 2008-01-01 Habili Gafar , St Johns reef, Egypten
471 2008-01-01 Habili Ali, St Johns reef, Egypten
470 2007-12-31 Sudan
469 2007-12-31 Sudan
468 2007-12-31 Sudan
467 2007-12-30 Qumera (shaab abu) Sudan
466 2007-12-30 Habili Ras- Abu Shagrab, Sudan
465 2007-12-30 Merlo, Sudan
464 2007-12-29 Angarosh, Sudan
463 2007-12-29 Angarosh, Sudan
462 2007-12-29 Angarosh, Sudan
461 2007-12-28 Merlo, Sudan
460 2007-12-28 Abington, Sudan
459 2007-12-28 Gotta Elbanna, Sudan
458 2007-12-27 Blue Bell (belt) Toyota vraket
457 2007-12-27 Blue Bell (belt) Toyota vraket
456 2007-12-27 Rumi South, Sudan
455 2007-12-26 Conshele (Jacques Yves Cousteau ), Sudan
454 2007-12-26 Rumi South, Sudan
453 2007-12-26 Rumi South, Sudan
452 2007-12-25 Conshele (Jacques Yves Cousteau ), Sudan
451 2007-12-25 Sanganeb, Sudan
450 2007-12-25 Sanganab North/West tip, Sudan
449 2007-12-24 Sanganeb reef Lagoon,Sudan
449 2007-12-24 Umbria, Sudan
448 2007-12-23 Umbria Sudan
448 2007-12-24 Sanganeb Reef South, Sudan
447 2007-12-24 Sanganeb Reef South, Sudan
447 2007-12-23 Umbria, Sudan
446 2007-12-22 Gotia Graob Egypten
445 2007-12-21 Shaab Stataya, Egypten
444 2007-12-21 Abu Gulawa Fury, Egypten
443 2007-06-16 Björkviks brygga
442 2007-04-27 2:nd Bony, Kapalai, Malaysia
441 2007-04-27 Barracuda Point, Sipadan, Malaysia
440 2007-04-27 Turtle Cavern/Tomb, Sipadan, Malaysia
439 2007-04-26 House reef/wall, Sipadan, Malaysia
438 2007-04-26 South point, Sipadan, Malaysia
437 2007-04-26 Ell Garden, Mabul, malaysia
436 2007-04-25 Paradise 1, Mabul, Sipadan
435 2007-04-25 Old house reef 2, Mabul, Sipadan
434 2007-04-25 South point / Staghorn crest, Sipadan, Malaysia
433 2007-04-25 Barracuda Point/ Coral garden, Sipadan, Malaysia
432 2007-04-24 Staghorn crest, Sipadan, Malasyia
431 2007-04-24 Don King Yama, Kapalai, Malaysia
430 2007-04-24 House reef, Kapalai, Malaysia
429 2007-04-23 Stingray city, Mabul, Malaysia
428 2007-04-23 Barracuda Point, Sipadan, Malaysia
427 2007-04-23 White tip Avenue, Sipadan, Malaysia
426 2007-04-22 Haning garden, sipadan, Malaysia
425 2007-04-22 Sipadan water village resort, Mabul, Paradise 1
424 2007-04-20 disneyland/arock Sipalay
423 2007-04-19 West Sipalay Filippinerna
422 2007-04-18 SS Panay WWII Sipalay Filippinerna
421 2007-04-17 Point 3 Cagayan Island Filippinerna
420 2007-04-17 Point 4 Cagayan Island
419 2007-04-16 Point 18 filippinerna
418 2007-04-16 Gorgonia Point Cagayan isl filippinerna
417 2007-04-16 Point 23 Cagayan Isl. filippinerna
416 2007-04-15 Point 4 Cagayan Island
415 2007-04-15 Sunken Island Boombog isl. Filippinerna
414 2007-04-15 Sunken Island Boombog isl. Filippinerna
413 2007-04-14 Pabogs wall, Cagayan Isl. Filippinerna
412 2007-04-14 Ghostwall Cagayan isl. Filippinerna
411 2007-04-14 Gorgonia Point Cagayan isl filippinerna
410 2007-04-13 Point 3 Cagayan Island Filippinerna
409 2007-04-13 Point 20 Cagayan Island Filippinerna
408 2007-04-13 Point 10 Cagayan Island Filippinerna
407 2007-04-11 Sipalay, filippinerna
406 2007-04-11 Sipalay, filippinerna
405 2007-04-10 Sipalay, filippinerna
404 2007-04-10 Sipalay, filippinerna
403 2009-04-09 Sipalay, filippinerna
402 2007-04-09 Sipalay, filippinerna
401 2007-03-24 Harm, Lillsved, Värmdö
400 2006-11-17 Manta Reef, North, Mozambique
399 2006-11-17 Manta Reef, South, Mozambique
398 2006-11-17 Gigants,Mozambique
397 2006-11-16 Saloon, Mozambique
396 2006-11-16 Gigants Castle, Mozambique
395 2006-11-15 Mike´s Cupboard
394 2006-11-15 Whale shark dive (out in the blue)
393 2006-11-15 Manta Reef, South, Mozambique
392 2006-11-14 Gigants,Mozambique
391 2006-11-13 Manta Reef, North, Mozambique
390 2006-11-13 Gigants Castle, Mozambique
389 2006-11-12 Chamber of secrets, Mozambique
388 2006-10-15 Krysshamnsviken
387 2006-10-01 Alsbäck, Lysekil
386 2006-09-30 Alsbäck, Lysekil
385 2006-09-30 Släggö, Lysekil
384 2006-07-30 Krysshamnsviken
383 2006-07-29 Krysshamnsviken
380 2006-05-04 S.D, Nusa lembongian, Indonesien
379 2006-05-04 Crystal Bay, Nusa lembongian, Indonesien
378 2006-05-01 Batu Bolong (keyhole rock), Indonesien,Komodo
377 2006-05-01 Rinca, Indonesien, Komodo Islands
376 2006-04-30 Gil passed, Gelilawa Laut, Indonesien
375 2006-04-30 Light House, Gililawa laut, Indonesien
374 2006-04-30 Castle Rock, Gililawa laut, Indonesien
373 2006-04-30 Crystal Rock, Gililawa laut, Indonesien
372 2006-04-29 Sabolon Kicil, Indonesien komodo
371 2006-04-23 Kapal Indah, Lembeh Strait, Indonesien
370 2006-04-23 Nudi retreat, Indonesien
369 2006-04-22 Aw Shucks , Indonesien
368 2006-04-22 Hairball 2, Indonesien
367 2006-04-22 Tanjung Kubur 2, Indonesien
366 2006-04-21 Batu Angus (mandarinfish dive) Lembeh strait, Indo
365 2006-04-21 Retak Larry, Indonesien
364 2006-04-21 Hairball, Indonesien
363 2006-04-21 Tanjung Kubur, Indonesien
362 2006-04-20 Jahir II,Lembeh strait, North Sulawesi Indonesien
361 2006-04-20 Police Pier, Lembeh strait, North Sulawesi,Indones
360 2006-04-20 Pante Parigi,Lembeh strait, North Sulawesi Indones
359 2006-04-18 Lekuan 1,Bunaken isl. Indonesien
358 2006-04-18 Celah - Celah,Bunaken Isl. Indonesien
357 2006-04-18 Sachiko`s point, bunaken Isl., Indonesien
356 2006-04-17 Bunaken Island Indonesien
355 2006-04-17 Bunaken Island Indonesien
354 2006-04-17 Bunaken Island, Indonesien
353 2006-04-16 Fukui, Bunaken Island, Manado, Indonesien
352 2006-04-16 Tiwoho, Manado, Indonesien
351 2006-04-16 The Wreck, Manado, Indonesien
350 2006-04-15 Bunaken Timor 1,Bunaken Island, Sulawesi Indonesie
349 2006-04-15 Lekuan 1,Bunaken Island, Sulawesi Indonesien
348 2006-04-15 Ron`s point,Bunaken Island Indonesien
347 2006-01-26 Marsha alam
346 2006-01-26 Abu Dahab, Egypten
345 2006-01-25 Elphinstonereef, Egypten
344 2006-01-25 Elphinstonereef, Egypten
343 2006-01-25 Elphinstonereef, Egypten
342 2006-01-24 Egypten
341 2006-01-24 daedlious, Egypten
340 2006-01-24 Daedlious, Egypten
339 2006-01-23 Big brother, El Akhawein Kebir, Egypten
338 2006-01-23 Big brother, El Akhawein Kebir, Egypten
337 2006-01-23 Big brother, El Akhawein Kebir, Egypten
336 2006-01-22 Small Brothers, El Akhawen Soraya, Egypten
335 2006-01-22 Small Brothers, El Akhawen Soraya, Egypten
334 2006-01-22 Small Brothers, El Akhawen Soraya, Egypten
333 2006-01-21 Elphinstone reef, Egypten
332 2006-01-21 Elphinstone reef, Egypten
331 2006-01-21 Ras Shona, Egypten
330 2005-09-18 Skår camping
329 2005-09-18 Släggö, Lysekil
328 2005-09-17 Skår camping, Lysekil
327 2005-09-17 Släggö, Lysekil
326 2005-08-28 Tegelskär, Strömstad
325 2005-08-28 Svartskär,Strömstad
324 2005-08-27 Rönningarna, Strömstad
323 2005-08-27 Flatskär, strömstad
322 2005-07-14 Falken
321 2005-07-04 Alviksvraket
320 2005-06-05 Skårcamping
319 2005-06-05 Skår camping, Lysekil
318 2005-06-04 Hellesviken, Lysekil
317 2005-06-04 Släggö, Lysekil
316 2005-04-23 Krysshamnsviken
315 2005-04-12 Coralgarden west, Pandan isl.
314 2005-04-12 Gorgonian drift, Pandanisl.
313 2005-04-12 Neptuneland + coralgarden, Pandan Island
312 2005-04-11 Sharkridge, Apo reef
311 2005-04-11 Mabuti, Apo reef, Filippinerna
310 2005-04-11 Meron Isl. Apo reef, filippinerna
309 2005-04-10 Ego wall, Apo reef, filippinerna
308 2005-04-10 South east Corner
307 2005-04-10 Naga rock
306 2005-04-10 Kyokosan Wreck
305 2005-04-09 Kyokosan Wreck, Busunga Islands
304 2005-04-09 Mabuti
303 2005-04-09 Aladin , Apo Reef , Filippinerna
302 2005-04-08 South east corner apo reef, Filippinerna
301 2005-04-08 Aladin Apo reef
300 2005-04-08 Discovery banks
299 2005-04-07 Neptun Land - Coral garden, Pandan Island, Filippi
298 2005-04-04 Rock n´roll Wreck, Papua Nya Guneia
297 2005-04-04 Lion Isl., muck dive
296 2005-04-04 Dianes reef
295 2005-04-04 Pinnacles
294 2005-04-03 Lion isl. muck dive
293 2005-04-03 Rock n´roll wreck
292 2005-04-03 MV Pie II
291 2005-04-03 The big chop
290 2005-04-02 Papua nya guneia
289 2005-04-02 MV Tuart
288 2005-04-02 The End Bommie
287 2005-04-02 MV Pacific GAS
286 2005-04-01 Papua nya guneia
285 2005-04-01 Diane´s reef , Papua Nya Guneia
284 2005-03-29 Ko Ha 2 & 4, Thailand
283 2005-03-29 Ko ha 1, Thailand>
283 2005-03-28 Koh Bida, Thailand
282 2005-03-28 Hin Bida Nuk, Thailand
281 2005-03-27 Hin Muang (purple rock) Thailand
280 2005-03-27 Hin Daeng (red rock), Thailand
279 2005-03-26 Koh Haa Lagoon, Thailand
278 2005-03-26 Koh Haa, Koh Lanta , Thailand
277 2004-10-31 Husbygropen,mälaren
276 2004-10-31 Husbygropen
275 2004-10-03 Släggö Lysekil
274 2004-10-02 Hellesviken Lysekil
273 2004-10-02 Pinneviksbadet, Lysekil
272 2004-08-08 Björkvik
271 2004-08-08 Björkvik
270 2004-07-01 Manatee Springs,Florida
269 2004-07-01 Manatee Springs,Cuttle fish Zinkhole,Florida
268 2004-06-20 Drottningviken, Nynäshamn
267 2004-06-20 Drottningviken, Nynäshamn
266 2004-05-30 Vagnhärad djupa brottet
265 2004-05-30 Vagnhärad, djupa brottet
262 2004-04-13 Tacdungan Reef, Filipinerna
261 2004-04-12 Tacdungan Reef, Filipinerna
260 2004-04-12 Tacdungan Reef, Filipinerna
259 2004-04-07 Gato Isl., Filippinerna
258 2004-04-07 Gato island
257 2004-04-06 Gato Island
256 2004-04-06 Gato Island
255 2004-04-06 Sunken Isl.
254 2004-04-04 Dumagude , Negros, Filippinerna
253 2004-04-03 Rock Point East Apo. isl. Filippinerna
252 2004-04-03 Coconut Point, Filippinerna
251 2004-04-02 Mamsa Point, Apo Isl. Filippinerna
250 2004-05-02 Rock Point west, Apo Island Filippinerna
249 2004-04-01 Palton wall , Filippinerna
248 2004-04-01 Coco Grove Siqujan isl. Filippinerna
247 2004-04-01 Acro Point, Filippinerna
246 2004-03-31 Alona beach Filippinerna
245 2004-03-30 Balieasag Isl. Filippinerna
244 2004-03-30 Balieasag Isl. Filippinerna
243 2004-03-30 South point, Cabilao, Filippinerna
242 2004-03-29 The Wall, Cabilao Isl. Filippinerna
241 2004-03-29 Hilantungan Island
240 2003-11-02 Släggö, Lysekil
239 2003-11-01 Hellesviken Lysekil
238 2003-11-01 Hellesviken, Lysekil
237 2003-10-05 Hellesviken, Lysekil
236 2003-10-05 Släggö, Lysekil
235 2003-10-04 Alsbäck, Lysekil, nattdyk
234 2003-10-04 Pinneviksbadet, Lysekil
233 2003-10-04 Hellesviken, Lysekil
232 2003-10-03 Hellesviken, Lysekil, nattdyk
231 2003-09-21 Krysshamnsviken, Stavnäs
230 2003-09-21 Krysshamnsviken, Stavnäs
229 2003-07-22 Krysshamnsviken
228 2003-07-22 Krysshamnsviken
227 2003-07-16 Krysshamnsviken, Stavsnäs
226 2003-07-16 Krysshamnsviken, Stavsnäs
225 2003-05-02 Kilima Steps,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
224 2003-05-01 La Laguna drop,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
223 2003-05-01 Elma Jane & St:Christopher,Puerto Galera,
222 2003-05-01 Canyons,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
221 2003-04-30 Sabang wrecks,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
220 2003-04-30 Sabang Points,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
219 2003-04-30 Boulders,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
218 2003-04-29 La Laguna drop,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
217 2003-04-29 Monkey beach/wreck,,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
216 2003-04-29 Boulders,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
215 2003-04-28 Seagras,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
214 2003-04-28 Monkey beach - Sabang point,Puerto Galera,
213 2003-04-28 La Laguna drop,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
212 2003-04-27 Sabang Wrecks,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
211 2003-04-27 St:Christopher
210 2003-04-26 Sabang wrecks, night dive, Puerto Galera
209 2003-04-26 Elma Jane,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
208 2003-04-26 Sindingan wall,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
207 2003-04-25 Sabang Wrecks,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
206 2003-04-25 Small La Laguna - La Laguna drop,,Puerto Galera
205 2003-04-25 Siniganwall-Killima Steps,Puerto Galera, Fillippin
204 2003-04-24 Small La Laguna- La Laguna drop
203 2003-04-24 Elma Jane & St: Christopher
202 2003-04-24 Shark cave,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
201 2003-04-23 Wreck point,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
200 2003-04-23 Sabang Points,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
199 2003-04-23 Kilima Steps,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
198 2003-04-22 Small La laguna,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
197 2003-04-22 Sinandigan wall
196 2003-04-22 Sabang point,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
195 2003-04-21 Sky dive,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
194 2003-04-21 St:Christopher - La Laguna
193 2003-04-21 Sinandiganwall,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
192 2003-04-20 Sabang Wrecks,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
191 2003-04-20 Sky dive,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
190 2003-04-20 Sinandigan Wall,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
189 2003-04-19 Monkey Beach - Sky Dive
188 2003-04-19 Dry dock,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
187 2003-04-19 Dry dock,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
186 2003-04-18 Sky Dive,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
185 2003-04-18 Sabang Wrecks,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
184 2003-04-18 Boulders,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
183 2003-04-17 Monkey beach,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
182 2003-04-17 Elma Jane & St Christopher,Puerto Galera, Fillippi
181 2003-04-17 Monkey beach,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
180 2003-04-16 Sabang Wrecks,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
179 2003-04-16 Verde Islands,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
178 2003-04-16 Verde Islands,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
177 2003-04-15 Seagrass,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
176 2003-04-15 Small La Laguna,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
175 2003-04-15 Kilima Steps,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
174 2003-04-14 Sky Dive,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
173 2003-04-14 Sabang Wrecks,Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
172 2003-04-14 Monkey beach, Puerto Galera, Fillippinerna
171 2003-02-08 Krysshamnsviken, Stavsnäs
170 2003-02-08 Krysshamnsviken, Stavsnäs
169 2003-02-01 Krysshamnsviken, Stavsnäs
168 2003-01-02 Rocky point, Utila, Honduras
167 2003-01-02 Aquarium, Utila, Honduras
166 2002-12-31 Rocky point, Utila, Honduras
165 2002-12-31 Jack´s Bite, Utila, Honduras
164 2002-12-30 Jack Neal Point, Utila, Honduras
163 2002-12-30 Stingraypoint, Utila, Honduras
162 2002-12-29 Black coral wall, Utila, Honduras
161 2002-12-29 The Labyrinth, Utila, Honduras
160 2002-12-28 Utila, Honduras
159 2003-12-28 Halliburton Shipwreck ,Utila , Honduras
158 2002-12-27 Airport caves, Utila, Honduras
157 2002-12-27 Ted`s point, Utila, Honduras
156 2002-12-26 Moonhole,Utila, Honduras
155 2002-12-26 Little Bite, Utila, Honduras
154 2002-12-26 Pinnacles,Utila, Honduras
153 2002-12-24 Airport caves, Utila, Honduras
152 2002-12-24 Black Hill, Utila, Honduras
151 2002-12-23 Las Cabanas, Utila, Honduras
150 2002-12-23 Raggedy Cay, Utila, Honduras
149 2002-10-19 Largen
148 2002-10-19 Largen
147 2002-10-06 Lillsved, Värmdö, Harm
146 2002-10-06 Lillsved, Värmdö, Harm
145 2002-10-05 Grundvik,Ljusterö
144 2002-10-05 Lervik, nattdyk
143 2002-09-29 Largen
142 2002-09-29 Largen
141 2002-09-29 Largen
140 2002-09-28 Lervik, Åkersberga
139 2002-09-28 Lervik, Åkersberga
138 2002-09-15 Vagnhärad, djupa brottet
137 2002-08-31 Stavsnäs, Krysshamnsviken
136 2002-08-24 Vagnhärad, djupa brottet
135 2002-08-24 Vagnhärad, djupa brottet
134 2002-07-28 Vagnhärad, djupa brottet
133 2002-07-28 Vagnhärad, djupa brottet
132 2002-07-27 Torsten, vrakdyk, Oxelösund
131 2002-07-27 Marianne, vrakdyk, Oxelösund
130 2002-07-07 Åland / Kobbaklintar -Vraket Nederland
129 2002-07-07 Åland / Kårsö - Vraket Plus
128 2002-07-06 Åland / Rödhamn - vraket Planet/ komet.
127 2002-06-17 Nackastrandsvraket
126 2002-05-20 Ljusterö "Ljusterövraket"
125 2002-05-20 Närheten av "Gudrun" Sandhamn
124 2002-05-18 Grisslehamn "Henry of Waxholm"
123 2002-05-18 Grisslehamn, vraket "Karlholm"
122 2002-04-05 Svartfotsvraket
121 2002-04-22 Dyviksvraket, Tyresö
120 2002-04-16 Dyviksvraket, Tyresö
119 2002-04-14 Hölö droppet Stavsnäs
118 2002-04-13 Lövsta Kalkbrott
117 2002-04-13 Lövsta Kalkbrott
116 2002-04-06 Hölödroppet
115 2002-03-31 Hellesviken, nattdyk
114 2002-03-31 Stora både, Lysekil, Båtutfärd
113 2002-03-31 Pinneviksbadet, Lysekil
112 2002-03-30 Hellesviken, Lysekil, nattdyk
111 2002-03-30 Pinneviksbadet, Lysekil
110 2002-03-29 Släggö, Lysekil
109 2002-03-29 Hellesviken, Lysekil
108 2002-03-23 Svartfotsvraket
107 2002-03-16 Krysshamnsviken, Stavsnäs
106 2002-03-03 Grundvik,Ljusterö
105 2002-02-16 Dyviksvraket, Tyresö
104 2002-12-03 Dyviksvraket, Tyresö
103 2002-01-12 Björkvik
102 2001-12-02 Dyviksvraket, Tyresö
101 2001-10-21 Stavsnäs, Krysshamnsviken
100 2001-10-21 Stavsnäs, Krysshamnsviken
99 2001-10-14 Lövsta kalkbrott
98 2001-10-14 Lövsta Kalkbrott
97 2001-12-30 Hällesviken, Gullmarfjorden, Lysekil
96 2001-12-29 Hällesviken, Gullmarfjorden, Lysekil,Nattdyk
95 2001-12-29 Hällesviken, Gullmarfjorden, Lysekil
94 2001-12-29 Hällesviken, Gullmarfjorden, Lysekil
93 2001-12-28 Släggö, Hamnen, Lysekil
92 2001-12-28 Hällesviken, Gullmarfjorden, Lysekil
91 2001-12-23 Björkvik, Ingarö
90 2001-12-23 Björkvik, Ingarö
89 2001-12-22 Björkvik, Ingarö
88 2001-12-22 Björkvik, Ingarö
87 2001-12-30 Torö, Nynäshamn
86 2001-12-30 Torö,Nynäshamn
85 2001-12-30 Husbygropen,Ekerö
84 2001-12-30 Husbygropen,Ekerö
83 2001-12-30 Husbygropen,Ekerö
82 2001-12-12 Nackastrandsvraket
81 2001-12-30 Björnön, Ingarö
80 2001-12-30 Nackastrandsvraket
79 2001-12-29 Nackastrands vraket
78 2001-12-13 Lövsta Kalkbrott
77 2001-12-30 Släggö, Lysekil
76 2001-12-30 Hällesviken, Alsbäck, Lysekil
75 2001-12-29 Ormestad, Lysekil
74 2001-12-28 Jordfall, Lysekil
73 2001-12-28 Släggö Lysekil
72 2001-12-14 Stavnäs
71 2001-12-30 Tiger reef , Tioman Island, Malaysia
70 2001-12-30 La Bas , Tioman Island, Malaysia
69 2001-12-30 Renggis Islands, Tioman Island, Malaysia
68 2001-12-02 Batu Layar , Perhentian Islands, Malaysia
67 2001-12-01 Terumba Tiga (T3) , Perhentian Islands, Malaysia
66 2001-12-31 Tokong Laut , Perhentian Islands, Malaysia
65 2001-12-29 Tokong Laut , Perhentian Islands Malaysia
64 2001-12-28 Terumba, Perhentian Islands Malaysia
63 2001-12-29 Tokong Laut, Perhentian Islands Malaysia
62 2001-12-27 D`Lagoon, Perhentian Islands Malaysia
61 2001-12-27 Sugar Wreck, Perhentian Islands, Malaysia
60 2000-12-11 Hässelby,Lövsta -Kyrkhamn
59 2000-12-30 Shark fin Reef, S isl. Thailand
58 2000-12-30 Boulder City, Similan Islands. Thailand
57 2000-12-30 Elephant Rock, Similan Islands. Thailand
56 2000-12-30 East of Eden, Similan Islands, Thailand
55 2000-12-03 East of Eden, Similan Islands. Thailand
54 2000-12-03 X-mas Point, Similan Islands, Thailand
53 2000-12-03 Koh Bon, Similan Islands. Thailand
52 2000-12-02 Koh Bon, Similan Islands, Thailand
51 2000-12-02 Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Thailand
50 2000-12-02 Richeleli, Similan Islands, Thailand
49 2000-12-02 Richelieli, Similan Islands. Thailand
48 2000-12-01 Koh Bon, Similan Islands. Thailand
47 2000-12-01 Fantasy Reef, Similan Islands. Thailand
46 2000-12-01 Elephant Rock, Similan Islands, Thailand
45 2000-12-01 Beacon Point, Similan Islands 1, Thailand
44 2000-12-29 Shark point, Phi-Phi, Thailand
43 2000-12-29 King Crusier, Phi-Phi, Thailand
42 2000-12-27 Viking wall, phi-phi, Thailand
41 2000-12-27 Koh Bidana, Phi-phi island, Thailand
40 2000-12-22 Hellesviken, Lysekil
39 2000-12-22 Hällebäck
38 2000-12-21 Släggö, Lysekil
37 1999-10-31 Alvik, Vraket Tore
36 1999-10-24 Nacka strands vraket
35 1999-10-16 Sth / Fredhäll vraket Falken
34 1999-10-14 Bordellen, Sö Mälarstrand.
33 1999-10-02 Lövsta Kalkbrott
32 1999-12-30 Lillsved, Värmdö, vraket Harm
31 1999-12-15 Salthästen
30 1999-12-15 Trillingarna
29 1999-12-14 Släggö, Lysekil
28 1999-12-13 Hällesviken, Gullmarfjorden, Lysekil
27 1998-05-15 Alanya Turkiet
26 1998-01-14 Channel, Boracay The Philippines
25 1998-01-14 YAPAK, Boracay, The Philippines
24 1998-01-13 Outside White Sand Beach , Boracay The Philippine
23 1998-01-13 Fridays Rock, Boracay, The Philippines
22 1998-01-12 Outside White Sand Beach , Boracay The Philippine
21 1998-01-12 Channel, Boracay The Philippines
20 1998-01-11 Outside White Sand Beach , Boracay The Philippine
19 1998-01-11 YAPAK, Boracay The Philippines
18 1998-01-08 Lake Cayangan, coron island, Palawan, The Philippi
17 1998-01-08 Coron Bay, Calamian Group Palawan The Philippines
16 1998-01-07 Coron Bay, Calamian Group Palawan The Philippines
15 1998-01-04 South Miniloc, El nido, Palawan The Philippines
14 1998-01-04 Tres Maria, El nido, Palawan The Philippines
13 1998-01-03 S. W. Entaluba, El nido, Palawan The Philippines
12 1998-01-03 Pajlugabah El nido, Palawan The Philippines
11 1998-01-02 South Miniloc, El nido, Palawan The Philippines
10 1998-01-02 Tresmaria, El nido, Palawan The Philippines
9 1996-09-22 Monkey Beach, Puerto Galera , The Philippines
8 1996-09-21 Canyons, Puerto Galera , The Philippines
7 1996-09-20 Sabang Wreck , Puerto Galera , The Philippines
6 1996-09-20 Sabang Beach, Puerto Galera , The Philippines
5 1996-09-20 Atol-Shark Cave, Puerto Galera , The Philippines
4 1996-09-07 Friday`s Rock, Boracay, The Phillipines
3 1996-09-07 Balinghai, Boracay, The Philippines
2 1996-09-06 Corall garden, Boracay The Philippines
1 1996-09-06 Corall garden, Boracay The Philippines