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Diving Talks 2024, 18-20 Oktober

Publicerad den 8 september 2024  (Läst 540 gånger.)

Divers and Diving Enthusiasts, Discover What Makes Diving Talks 2024 a Must-Attend Event!
Date: October 18-20, 2024
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Are you ready to dive into an unparalleled experience? Diving Talks 2024, the global event that brings together the brightest minds and most passionate individuals in the diving world, held in the vibrant city of Lisbon, promises to be the best, with a lineup that will inspire, educate, and connect the global diving community.

Why Diving Talks 2024 is Unmissable
The Diving Talks organization asked Microsoft’s AI, Copilot, to rank Diving Talks, comparing it to other like-events and here’s what they got:
International Visibility: Diving Talks attracts some of the world’s leading divers and experts, showcasing their latest achievements and advancements in diving technology.

Comprehensive Program: The event features a mix of talks, workshops, and exhibitions, providing a platform for knowledge sharing and networking.
Diverse Participation: The event includes a wide range of participants, from professional divers to enthusiasts, making it a well-rounded event for anyone interested in diving.

Copilot concluded that Diving Talks is unique in its dual focus on the technical and scientific aspects of diving, while also fostering community and networking. This combination positions Diving Talks as a must-attend event on the global diving calendar.

In the Heart of Lisbon, the Perfect Venue!
Lisbon’s rich maritime heritage and stunning coastline make it the ideal location for Diving Talks 2024. The event will be hosted at the historic Cordoaria Nacional in the Belém district. Once the Royal Ropeworks Factory, this 18th-century venue is now a renowned cultural center. With its vast halls, beautiful gardens, and classical architecture, the Cordoaria Nacional offers a spectacular setting for this year’s event.

Fuelling the Dive: Diving Talks’ Sponsors & Exhibitors
Sponsors and exhibitors play a pivotal role in making the Diving Talks a resounding success. Here are the main reasons why – the Diving Talks organization say – these companies eagerly participate:
Global Visibility
Sponsors recognize that Diving Talks is an international diving show that draws enthusiasts from around the world. By associating their brand with this premier event, they gain unparalleled visibility within the diving community.

Showcasing Innovations
Exhibitors use the exhibition area to showcase their latest services, products, and technologies. Whether it’s choosing the right DPV, upgrading lighting systems, or exploring rebreathers, attendees benefit from face-to-face interactions with industry leaders.
Networking Opportunities
Sponsors and exhibitors engage with recreational divers, technical divers, and scientific divers. These interactions foster valuable connections, collaborations, and knowledge-sharing.

Debating Advancements
Diving Talks sparks discussions on technological advancements in diving. Companies attend to stay informed, contribute to the dialogue, and stay ahead in a dynamic field.

Portugal’s Strategic Role
As Portugal emerges as a hub for diving-related subjects—both technical and scientific—companies recognize the strategic importance of participating in events like Diving Talks.

Secure Your Spot Today!
According to the Diving Talks organization if you’re a diver or an Oceans enthusiast you don’t want miss this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the future of diving.

Get your tickets now and join the international diving community in Lisbon, for Diving Talks 2024, where the world’s top divers, scientists, and enthusiasts will converge to explore, innovate, and inspire.
Get your Tickets now!

Taggar:  Mässor
Micke Tilja
Micke Tilja


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