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Labyrintgrottan utforskas vidare, nu Sveriges tredje längsta grotta

Publicerad den 15 augusti 2009  (Läst 4 350 gånger.)

During the Swedish Speleological Society’s annual summer mountain meeting, cave divers mapped a total of 700m of cave beyond the siphons in Labyrintgrottan, Artfjället. This takes the total length of the cave to 2800m and moves it up to third in the Swedish longest cave list.

Mark Dougherty, Kristian Lyberg and Dmitri Gorski dived though 100m of siphons and spent up to six hours beyond carrying out scientific work such as mapping, radio location and documentary photography. Beyond the siphons the cave contains some fantastic and extremely fragile formations of a quality rarely seen in Scandinavia.

Mark Dougherty, expedition leader, was very satisfied with both the results of the expedition and the high level of safety achieved. There were no incidents despite the remote nature of the site and the difficulties of transporting the diving gear down the cave. He also thanked the 25 members of the Swedish Speleogical Society and the Norwegian Speleogical Society who helped with the transport of the equipment.

Taggar:  Grottdykning
Micke Tilja
Micke Tilja


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