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Poseidon släpper ny helmask

Publicerad den 18 november 2002 

"Atmosphere" är namnet på Poseidons nya helmask.
Nedan följer poseidons pressrelease.

Diving in your very own Atmosphere

The Poseidon Atmosphere full face mask is equipped with one of the world’s most high performing regulators – the Poseidon Jetstream OP. It is approved for cold water and in combination with the mask it features a unique highly effective de-fogging system which keeps the field of vision clear even at water temperatures close or equal to the freezing point. The mask has a no distortion visor, with blasted sides to prevent reflections.

The mask has positive pressure breathing which is activated via a switch that can be easily reached even with thick gloves on. The positive pressure breathing system is a fail safe construction which if non-activated will allow normal demand valve breathing. The mask can of course be used in all altitudes without free-flowing.

Any existing Poseidon Jetstream second stage can quickly be upgraded to be used with the mask and once upgraded the regulator can be used without the mask, with no further modifications. All parts on the mask are easily dismountable with an allen-key for servicing and cleaning.

The Carbon-dioxide figures are extremely low due to the low dead space and absolute seal. It is tested by the Swedish Navy to range from 0.02% to 0.11% at breathing rates of 15LPM to 62.5 LPM at a 50m depth. Both the regulator and the mask are approved in accordance with the EU PPE Directive 89/686/EEC and harmonised standard EN 250:2000. Breathing performance is well within required 3 J/I at a 50m depth at bar cylinder pressure.

Any standard communication system will fit the Poseidon mask. The mask has external buoyancy compensating weights which can also be used for mounting torches, video-cameras etc.

Editors Notes

 Developed initially for fighter plane pilots the mask was designed to be worn for up to six hours when the plane flies through chemical or biological war zones.

 The Poseidon Atmosphere mask can be used as both a positive pressure mask and as a demand valve.

Micke Tilja
Micke Tilja


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