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TDI utbildar på Poseidon rebreather

Publicerad den 16 januari 2010  (Läst 4 258 gånger.)

TDI™ (Technical Diving International™), the largest technical certification agency in the world, is now offering training in the sports diver Rebreather, also known as Poseidon Discovery. TDI is seen as an innovator always bringing new, exciting and functional diving techniques and programs to the general diving public.
All of the 10, 000 TDI-certificated diving instructors around the world now have the opportunity to get educated in the Rebreather system. This means that the possibility för scuba divers to be taught by an Rebreather-educated instructor has increased considerably.
“I would call this the crucial step för the Rebreather to reach the great amount of recreational divers all over the world,” says Kurt Sjöblom, CEO of Poseidon Diving Group AB. “My prediction is is that 2010 will really be the year of the Rebreather!”

The world’s first closed breathing system for recreational divers
Unlike traditional breathing systems for recreational divers, Poseidon Discovery reuses the exhaled breath. This extends the diving time from 40 minutes to several hours. In November 2008, Poseidon Discovery was awarded the international award "Best of What''s New Award" by Popular Science, one of the largest popular science magazines.

For further information, please contact:
Mattias Lachner, Global Sales & Marketing, Poseidon Diving Systems AB, +46733292910,
Steve Lewis, Marketing & Communication Director, SDI,

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Taggar:  Rebreather Poseidon Dykkurser
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