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Tryckfel i PADI's tabeller

Publicerad den 9 februari 2003 


PADI recently discovered printer errors in certain Recreational Dive Planners (RDPs) (i.e., dive tables). The problems may appear in six (6) versions of the RDP, including both air and enriched air tables.

These tables may be included in Open Water and Enriched Air Crew Paks, book and table combinations, CD-ROM combinations and individual tables shipped between 1 October 2002 and 31 January 2003. Please note that not all RDPs shipped during this period contain printer errors. If you -- or a dive buddy -- were certified with PADI during this period, you may have one of the defective dive tables.

While PADI''s analysis of the problems suggests that the risk of injury from the errors is remote, for the sake of safety, PADI feels a broad approach to this issue should be taken.

The following PADI RDPs should not be used. If you have one, bring it to to a PADI Dive Center/Resort for free exchange.

The product number and production code is generally located on the bottom right hand corner on the back of the table. The product number and production code consist of a series of numbers and letters resembling: Product No. 60049 XXXPDJ2.

There may also be a revision date (Rev 10/02) and/or version number (Version 1.0) listed. These numbers are inconsequential. In checking the production code for inaccurate tables, please ignore the first three digits and only check the last four.

Product Number Description Production Code

60049 RDP, Enriched Air 32% XXXPDJ2, XXXPDK2,
Table, Imperial XXXPDL2, XXXPDA3

61049 RDP, Enriched Air 32% XXXPDJ2, XXXPDK2,
Table, Metric XXXPDL2, XXXPDA3

60053 RDP, Enriched Air 36% XXXPDJ2, XXXPDK2,
Table, Imperial XXXPDL2, XXXPDA3

61053 RDP, Enriched Air 36% XXXPDJ2, XXXPDK2,
Table, Metric XXXPDL2, XXXPDA3

66054 RDP, Table, Imperial XXXPDJ2, XXXPDK2,

66055 RDP, Table, Metric XXXPDJ2, XXXPDK2,

For more info about the recall:

PADI Americas
30151 Tomas Street
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-2125
800-729-7234, or +1 949 858-7234


Taggar:  Produktvarningar PADI
Micke Tilja
Micke Tilja


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