Lite annat farligt nu från England 2009
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Seventy-five people had hospital treatment for lightning strikes in one year, according to NHS accident figures.
A list of other unusual hospital cases include 460 admissions nationally for injuries from a powered lawn mower,
1,120 from wasp, bee or hornet incidents,
30 due to 'cataclysmic storms'
24 for rat bites.
There were 3,680 injured riders or passengers on animal-drawn vehicles and
6,420 people who fell on or off a ladder.
Four people were admitted for exposure to noise.
The ice and snow took a huge toll, with 18,570 patients admitted after winter falls.
There were 1,420 patients who fell out of trees and 310 injuries from contact with plant thorns, spines and sharp leaves.
And there were 2,080 admissions from falls when being carried or supported by other persons - including being dropped.
Meanwhile 18,610 admissions were due to striking against or being struck by other objects - including walking into a wall.
Hot household appliances, including ovens, were to blame for 790 admissions
2010 – året då hajarna anföll | Lennart Gustafsson | 2011-02-09 04:55 |
Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna anföll | Jimmie Wingstedt | 2011-02-09 07:48 |
Sv: Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna anföll | Andreas Brodow | 2011-02-09 08:12 |
Lite mer in english | Per Lagerberg | 2011-02-09 08:18 |
Krokodiler, hundar, katter, ekorrar, människor...) | Per Lagerberg | 2011-02-09 09:11 |
Annu farligare djur... | Ola Åkerström | 2011-02-09 11:04 |
Sv: Lite mer in english | Urban Lund | 2011-02-10 09:52 |
Lite annat farligt nu från England 2009 | Per Lagerberg | 2011-02-09 09:21 |
Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna anföll | Ulf Meyer | 2011-02-09 12:35 |
Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna anföll | Anders Jälmsjö | 2011-02-09 13:51 |
Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna anföll | Karin Wiktorsson | 2011-02-09 19:03 |
Sv: Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna anföll | Christian Karlsson | 2011-02-24 05:34 |
Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna skulle ha skyddats | Mikael Nilsson | 2011-02-10 04:05 |
Sv: Sv: 2010 – året då hajarna skulle ha skyddats | Jonas Wiren | 2011-02-10 04:49 |
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