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Well... if you were to read the documents you would know that David C does not lower himself to accusations without real substance. Which is quite the opposite from mr Deas.
The thing is that David C did his "talking in court". He won the case. At no surprise.
However mr Deas wouldn't leave it at that, he went on a crusade against AP in the RBW forum. If you know the history you might see David C action as an effort to make mr Deas finally accept that the court ruling is valid. It's not making accusations on David C's behalf, it's more like smacking an annoying fly with yesterdays newspaper. It's all because mr Concannon had to defend himself and AP against mr Deas accusations after court.
In the end it also took not so few members in the RBW forum to tell mr Deas to finally cut his losses and shut the .... up.
Anyway, I found that I have 31 documents, including transcripts from days 5, 6 and 8 in court, and one chart downloaded that I can email to you, should you be interested. It might not change your opinion but it will make it more informed. Just drop me an email so that I get your adress.
rgds /nils
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