Argon som dräktgas är inte bättre än luft
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Undersea Hyperb Med. 2001 Fall;28(3):137-43.
Thermal insulation properties of argon used as a dry suit inflation gas.
Risberg J, Hope A.
Norwegian Underwater Institute and Royal Norwegian Navy, Bergen.
Uncontrolled observations from the "technical" diving community claim superior
thermal comfort when replacing air with argon as dry suit inflation gas during
diving. The objective of the present experiment was to evaluate the
effectiveness of argon compared to air during cold water diving. Body weight,
urinary output, and rectal and skin temperatures were measured in six naval
divers during two dives to approximately 10 m for 60 min. Level of thermal
comfort was reported. Dry suit gas was either argon or air, divers and
scientists were blinded for gas identity. Urinary output was approximately 200
ml less (P < 0.05) during the air than the argon dives. Rectal and all skin
temperatures decreased significantly in both groups during the dive but no
difference was measured between argon and air dives. Thermal comfort was not
different between the groups. Replacing air with argon neither improves
subjective impression of thermal comfort nor attenuates core or skin cooling
during cold water diving to 10 meters of sea water for 60 min.
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