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DeepVision Side Scan Sonar

(Läst 1 389 gånger.)

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Hi Forum,

I have a friend in Italy that would like to buy a Side Scan Sonar from DeepVision AB.
It seems that he has some difficulty to comunicate directly with DeepVision.

Is there anybody who can help me to get in touch with the company to have some information on their products?

Thank you very much indeed.


Salvatore Capasso
Salvatore Capasso 2009-08-29 12:13:27
15 postningar


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Huvudinlägg DeepVision Side Scan Sonar Salvatore Capasso 2009-08-29 12:13
svara Sv: DeepVision Side Scan SonarFredrik Johansson2009-08-29 15:38
svara Sv: DeepVision Side Scan SonarUffe Långström2009-09-01 08:56
svara Sv: Sv: DeepVision Side Scan SonarSalvatore Capasso2009-09-01 12:55


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