Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Diskutering om helmask
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den gamla klassikern..
Man anar den lite förlegade "helium är skitfarligt" tonen i nedanstående:
This Narcosis Management® course is taught on air, to better prepare divers for Trimix diving which requires the use of the less forgiving helium based gases. Good buoyancy control, gas management, gas switches and runtimes are best learned while diving on air. However, divers certified on other gas mixtures or rebreathers can also benefit from Narcosis Management® training.
The levels and depths are as follows:
Level I 30m (100')
Level II 40m (130')
Level III 45m (150')
Level IV 55m (180')
Level V 60m (200')
Level VI 67m (218')
Level VII 73m (240')
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