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info från HEPCA - Egypten

(Läst 790 gånger.)

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Jag fick HEPCAäs nyhetsbrev och det lyder fom följer. Tänkte det kunde vara av intresse.


Dear all,

It was brought to our attention from different sources that there is a rumor saying that the Egyptian Government has appointed and gave permission to some fishing boats to hunt the sharks in the southern red sea area.Please note that all these reports are simply glaring falsehood. The shark population is highly protected in the red sea by many laws and decrees.On the other hand which makes it very ironic that all fishing activities in the red sea region are on hold because of the new fishing regulations, which we hope that it will have a great positive impact on the fish stock and the reefs condition, accordingly there are even no fishing vessels in the area.After the very unfortunate incident that happened in the Saint John’s area we had to deal with a lot of false and misleading rumors and I would seize this opportunity to clarify some points.

•No dive sites in the whole Egyptian Red Sea were closed at any point of time.

•Severe measurements were taken against some the operators who were involved in any sort or form of shark feeding. Investigations took some time, as we didn’t want to come out with hysterical decisions that are driven and based on the magnitude of the incident and not on solid facts and professional reports.

•HEPCA would be very pleased to provide the media with true information instead of basing a whole story on a rumor or unreliable resources.

With my deepest regards.

Amr Ali
Managing Director

Anders Jälmsjö
Anders Jälmsjö 2009-07-21 08:05:28
2 242 postningar


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