Kanske inte ett Svenskt problem
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Situationen for dykproffs i varlden ett exempel
At the beginning of high season in Khao Lak, I had daily visits of DM's and instructors wanting to "work" for free. I explained to them why it is a very bad idea to say that to a dive professional, who does not have a trust fund in the background and hence desperately needs every Baht she can earn (that'd be me, yes). I also strongly recommended them to be quiet about that in the bar - in order not to get lynched by people (like me) who have chosen this profession as a professional career and not a hobby for a few months or a year whilst being sponsored by Daddy or living off savings Oh, and I also told them that I much prefer dedicated professionals to people looking for an experience. My guests deserve better than that.......
Innan du bestammer dig "think twice"
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