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Ny GUE kurs; Rec Triox

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2.1.15 Recreational TriOx Purpose
The Recreational TriOx course is a no-decompression class structured to prepare divers for deeper recreational diving using proper breathing mixtures and correct ascent procedures. Recreational TriOx training focuses on amplifying the skills learned in the DIR Fundamentals course (or elsewhere) and is designed to cultivate, integrate and expand the essential skills required for safe deeper diving. This will include problem identification and resolution, as well as other skills required for building the capacity for progressively more challenging diving. In this class, students will be trained in: (a) the use of single or double back gas tanks/cylinders and in the potential failure problems associated with each; (b) the use of Nitrox and TriOx for extended bottom times; (c) the use of Helium to minimize narcosis, CO2, gas density and post-dive "nitrogen stress;" and (d) correct ascent procedures. Prerequisites
Must meet GUE General Course Prerequisites as outlined in Section 1.6.
Must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
Must have taken GUE DIR Fundamentals or a GUE Cave, Tech or Rebreather class.
Must have a minimum of 50 dives beyond open water qualification, 25 of which must be non-training dives.
Must be able to swim a distance of at least 50 feet/15 meters on a breath hold.
Must be able to swim at least 300 yards/275 meters in less than 14 minutes without stopping. Duration
The GUE Recreational TriOx class is normally conducted over a 3-day period. It involves a minimum of 30 hours of instruction, encompassing both classroom and in-water work.

2.2.4 Course Limits
General Training Limits as outlined in Section 1.4
Student to instructor ratio is not to exceed 3:1 during any in-water training
Maximum depth 150 feet (+/- 10 feet)/45 meters (+/- 3 meters)
No overhead environment diving
No goal-oriented dives Course Content
The GUE Recreational TriOx course is normally conducted over a 3-day period, and cumulatively involves a minimum of 30 hours of instruction, designed to provide a working knowledge of Nitrox and TriOx, including an understanding of the history and practice of decompression, physics, physiology, tables, and operational considerations.

Course requirements include nine (9) hours of academics and six (6) dives, four (4) of which will be critical skill dives and two (2) will be experience dives as defined in the GUE Standards and Procedures.

The initial two (2) dives will be conducted in water no deeper then 40 feet to evaluate the diver's ability and to identify any deficiencies in skill levels. The last two (2) dives are to be TriOx dives at depth for experience, but not in excess of course depth limitations. Texts
Doing it Right: The Fundamentals of Better Diving: Jarrod Jablonski, GUE, 2001, High Springs, Florida.
Getting Clear on the Basics: The Fundamentals of Technical Diving: Jarrod Jablonski, GUE, 2001, High Springs, Florida. Academic Topics
Historical overview of mixed gas diving
Applied diving physics
Applied diving physiology
Dive planning and logistics
Understanding compressed gas elimination
Introduction to TriOx
TriOx versus other gases
DIR equipment configuration Land Drills & Topics
Situational awareness
Dive team order and protocols
Pre-dive drill
OOA's and touch contact
Valve failure
Use of safety spools and lift bag
Basic navigation skills Required Dive Skills & Drills
All skills and drills as outlined in the General Diving Skills, Section 1.5
Procedures for gas failures; including valve manipulation, air-sharing, and regulator switching as appropriate.
Lift bag/surface marker buoy deployment
Buoyancy and trim
Be able to comfortably demonstrate at least one propulsion technique appropriate for delicate and/or silty environments.
Use of touch contact for limited and simulated zero visibility situations
Reel and guideline use
Equipment familiarization
Gas-sharing scenarios to include breath-hold management for Gas-sharing for at least 200 feet/60 meters
Gas-sharing scenarios to include a direct ascent while conducting any potential decompression obligations.
Demonstrate effective buoyancy control skills.
Demonstrate effective valve-management by going to buddy for OOA, and then shutting down a valve and returning the valve to the open position again.
Demonstrate effective proficiency with ascent/descents and deep stops. Equipment Requirements
Each student should have, and be familiar with, all of the following required equipment.

Tanks/Cylinders: Students may use single or dual tanks/cylinders with a single outlet, y-valve, or if in doubles a dual outlet isolated manifold, which allows the use of two first stages. All dives must start with a minimum of 80 cubic feet/2250 liters.

Regulators: Single first stage if using a single tank with single outlet, or two (2) first-stages if using either a single tank with Y-valve or double tanks. A minimum of two (2) second stages is required. One of the second stages must be on a 7-foot/2-meter hose. The diver must have a pressure gauge and BCD inflator.

Diver's utilizing a dry suit must have a separate (from the back gas) dry suit inflation source such as an argon/air bottle. Divers may not inflate the dry suit from the back gas.

Buoyancy Compensator: Back-mounted wings, mated with a harness and back plate. No wings with restrictive retaining devices shall be allowed.

At least one depth-measuring device.


Two timekeeping devices.

Minimum and No-Decompression Buhlman based tables.

Mask and fins (fins must be of the non-split variety).

Underwater slate or Wet Notes

Minimum of one cutting device.

One spool, with 100 feet /30 meters line per diver.

Two lights: one primary and one secondary.

Exposure suit appropriate for the duration of exposure.

At least one surface marker buoy per diver. Semi-closed or open cell if diver is in a wetsuit.

Note: Prior to the commencement of class, students should consult with a GUE representative to verify equipment requirements. All participants are responsible for providing all equipment or for making provisions to secure all necessary equipment before the start of the course. In general, it is better for the student to learn while using his or her own equipment. However, students should exercise caution before purchasing new equipment. To avoid acquiring substandard equipment, please contact a GUE representative prior to making any purchases. Information about recommended equipment can be obtained from the equipment considerations section of GUE's web site.

Richard Lundgren
Richard Lundgren 2002-12-31 11:11:00
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Huvudinlägg Ny GUE kurs; Rec Triox Richard Lundgren 2002-12-31 11:11
svara Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxChristian Hollmann2002-12-31 11:27
svara Sv: Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxRichard Lundgren2002-12-31 12:13
svara Sv: Sv: Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxAnders Puranen2003-01-02 01:09
svara Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxRichard Lundgren2003-01-02 01:54
svara Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxTorbjörn Karlsson2002-12-31 11:44
svara Sv: Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxRichard Lundgren2002-12-31 12:11
svara He och icke-dekodykningMagnus Wendt2002-12-31 12:29
svara Sv: He och icke-dekodykningRichard Lundgren2002-12-31 12:55
svara Sv: Sv: He och icke-dekodykningMagnus Wendt2002-12-31 15:02
svara Sv: Sv: Sv: He och icke-dekodykningRichard Lundgren2002-12-31 15:33
svara Sv: Sv: Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxTorbjörn Karlsson2002-12-31 16:52
svara Argon bottleDaniel Jönsson2002-12-31 11:59
svara Sv: Argon bottleRichard Lundgren2002-12-31 12:01
svara Sv: Ny GUE kurs; Rec TrioxFredrik Astlid2002-12-31 14:24


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