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Poseidon släpper uppgradering till MKVI rebreather

Publicerad den 11 mars 2012  (Läst 4 102 gånger.)

Batterier till MKVI rebreather


Dear all,

As a part of Poseidon''s technical upgrade path for the MKVI rebreather, we are proud to announce that the first step has been achieved in accordance to plan - the firmware version 48 is now released to the general Poseidon rebreather community.

V48 is equipped with the latest sensor calibration and validation algorithms, these will enhance detection of eroneous sensor behavior for all MKVI customers, regardless of ambient temperatures. It is very well worth mentioning that no other rebreather on the market has a system as sophisticated as the MKVI to determine whether a sensor is reliable or not. This is achieved through the patented O2 sensor calibration and validation routines. The new firmware is available for download at our MKVI support page.

The firmware upgrade gives customers, who have purchased one of the decompression enabled batteries, access to the already implemented decompression module and explore its full capability. This means that the MKVI is now ready for technical diving. Explore the decompression upgrade functionality by browsing through the deco manual appendix.

Together with the release of firmware, we are very excited to announce that a new version of the manual has been released.

Finally, we are determined to succeed with the paradigm change; to alter the focus in sports diving from open circuit regulators to highly advanced electronic closed circuit rebreathers, including innovations that will change the view of how diving is supposed to be - forever!

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Taggar:  Rebreather Poseidon
Micke Tilja
Micke Tilja


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